Module Leader
Prof N Swaminathan and Prof S Hochgreb
Lab Leader
Prof N Swaminathan and Prof S Hochgreb
Timing and Structure
Lent term. 16 lectures, including 2 examples classes. Assessment: 100% exam
3A5, 3A6 useful
The aims of the course are to:
- introduce students to fundamental combustion concepts, and their influence on internal combustion engine preformance and emissions.
As specific objectives, by the end of the course students should be able to:
- Understand fundamental concepts in combustion
- Understand combustion issues particularly relvant to gas turbines
- Understand the performance and efficiency characteristics of IC engines
- Understand the formation and aftertreatment of pollutants in IC engines, and tradeoffs with performance
Chemical thermodynamics and equilibrium (1L)
Conservation laws for multicomponent mixture, multispecies equilibrium and calculation method
Chemical kinetics (1L)
Principles of chemical kinetics – law of mass action, activation energy, order & degree of a reaction, hydrocarbon reaction chains , pollutant formation multistep reactions, chemical explosion, chemistry reduction using steady state and partial equilibrium approximations
Applications of chemical kinetics: limit reators (1L)
Common approximations used in combustion analysis – perfectly stirred reactor, plug flow reactor, thermal explosions, autoignition & spark ignition
Laminar premixed flames (1L)
Concepts and measurements, conservation equations in one and multiple dimensions, characteristic time and space scales, Zeldovich number, solution for 1D flame, flame speed and its dependence on mixture composition, temperature and pressure
Laminar non-premixed flames (1L)
Mixture fraction concept and its physical significance, conserved scalar approach, state relationship, simple solution for diffusion flame, droplet evaporation & combustion as an example for diffusion flame
Pollution from combustion (1L)
Nature of pollutants emitted by combustion and their effects on environment & human health, features of pollution generation chemistry, typical techniques used for emission reduction
Turbulent combustion (1L)
A brief introduction to turbulent combustion, its importance, applications, and scientific methods used to study turbulent combustion
Fundamental concepts in internal combustion engines (2L)
Overview of energy use in transportation, evolution of internal combustion and reciprocating engines, basic concepts and definitions, ideal constant volume and constant pressure cycles, efficiency, turbocharging and hybridisation
Spark ignition engines (1L)
Basic concepts and definitions, valve timing and volumetric efficiency, residual gases, intake and fuel injection systems, combustion in SI engines, autoignition and limits to combustion, spark timing and optimisation, effects of speed and load, SI engine maps, emissions
Compression ignition engines (1L)
Compression ignition process parameters, combustion under autoignition, fuel injection timing, torque and emissions, controlling NOx and soot, CI engine maps, principles of turbocharging and relevant physics, turbocharger matching
Emissions and aftertreatment (2L)
Combustion and engine out emissions, three-way catalysts, air-fuel ratio control, methods of in-cylinder control of NOx and soot, air-fuel ratio control, exhaust gas recirculation, selective catalytic reduction, particulate matter removal
Hybrid engines and future concepts (2L)
New developments in combustion engines. Hybrid powertrain concepts and designs (series, parallel), downsizing, turbocharging, electric powertrain efficiency and control concepts.
Please refer to the Booklist for Part IIB Courses for references to this module, this can be found on the associated Moodle course.
Examination Guidelines
Please refer to Form & conduct of the examinations.
This syllabus contributes to the following areas of the UK-SPEC standard:
Toggle display of UK-SPEC areas.
General Learning Outcomes
Graduates with the exemplifying qualifications, irrespective of registration category or qualification level, must satisfy the following criteria:
Last modified: 01/09/2020 10:25