Undergraduate Teaching 2020-21

Part IB Coursework and Examination Credit Notice

Part IB Coursework and Examination Credit Notice

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Coursework and Examination Credit Notice for Part IB of the Engineering Tripos in 2020-21

The Examiners for the Engineering Tripos Part IB to be taken in 2021 will take account of coursework done by candidates. The Faculty Board has determined that this shall consist of coursework with the requirements and marking scheme set out below.

All Part IB coursework is for standard credit, which means that once students achieve a satisfactory standard in the various groups of activities, as listed below, the associated marks are capped at the qualifying level.  Students must satisfactorily complete every activity in order to obtain the full qualifying mark. Candidates who fail to reach the qualifying marks will be penalized by the Examiners, unless an allowance is granted. Work submitted for marking must be that of the student who submits it, as defined in the plagiarism, cooperating and cheating guidelines.

140 qualifying marks in total are available for coursework.

Title Term Activity Total marks Qualifying marks Comment

Mechanics and Thermofluids

M, L 4 short experiments, 2 marks each
1 long experiment, 6 marks
14 12 Short experiments:
2 marks for prompt attendance and satisfactory work, 0 otherwise.

Long experiments:
Marks on scale 0 to 6:

  • 6 for very good work.
  • 5 for satisfactory work.  
  • 4 for completion of experiment and minimally acceptable report.
  • 1-3 not normally awarded.

Less 1 mark for late or 2 marks for very late attendance.
Less 1 mark for each week or part week a report is late.
No report = no marks 

Electrical Engineering
M, L 3 short experiments, 2 marks each
1 long experiment, 6 marks
12 10
Information Engineering
M, L 2 short experiments, 2 marks each
1 long experiment, 6 marks
10 8
Structures and Materials
M, L 3 short experiments, 2 marks each
2 long experiments, 6 marks each
18 14


M Device Programming, 2 activities, 6 marks each 12 12  
L Data Science/Computing Lab: Time-series analysis  12 12

Integrated Design Project (IDP)

M, L Team project work 39 28

Failure to attend weekly session with the academic cohort leader, or the competitions will incur a 2 mark penalty per session  (e.g. presentations, feedback sessions etc.). A 2 mark penalty per session will be applied for students who miss more than 3 sessions.

Individual contribution in weekly meetings and final report 15 11

Integrated Coursework “Earthquake-resistant structures”

M, L 4 introductory experiments + risk assessment, 2 marks each 10 10 Less 1 mark for late or 2 marks for very late attendance at each session.

Less 1 mark per day or part day a report is late.  Reports handed in more than 7 days late will not be accepted.

1 extension experiment (inc. lab plan, report and presentation) 20 13

“Sustainable Engineering” poster

Christmas vacation   14 10 Marks on scale 0-14, 10 for satisfactory work, less one mark per day report is late.

Papers 1-7 are each marked out of 100, and Paper 8 out of 125, with 140 marks for coursework giving a total of 965 for the Part IB Tripos examination.  Most students receive the maximum 140 marks available for coursework.

Last updated on 03/11/2020 14:31