Undergraduate Teaching 2020-21

Transferring to Part IIA of the Engineering or Manufacturing Engineering Triposes

Transferring to Part IIA of the Engineering or Manufacturing Engineering Triposes

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Students who have obtained Honours in Tripos examinations other than IB Engineering may, with the approval of the Faculty Board, be admitted to Part IIA of the Engineering or Manufacturing Engineering Triposes. Applications from such students will usually be taken at the June meeting of the Faculty Board, with subsequent acceptance provisional on Part IB results.

Criteria for acceptance:

  • students should normally have reached at least II.1 standard in their Part IB examinations;
  • students must have a minimum of four weeks of relevant industrial or equivalent experience before the start of the IIA examinations;
  • students should normally have achieved A* at A-Levels in Maths and Further Maths or at least Maths and Physics.

Procedure to be followed:

1. College support

During Lent Term students who believe that they fulfil the acceptance criteria should:

  • meet with the Engineering Director of Studies (DoS) at their College, who should ensure that the procedures below are followed;
  • discuss their plans with their current DoS and Tutor.

2. a (Medics & Vets only) Support from the Chair of the Bioengineering Subject Group

Also during Lent Term Medics & Vets are asked to make contact with Dr Graham Treece, who is in overall charge of the Bioengineering Subject Group. He is gathering information and advice from previous students, and will be able to advise on appropriate module choices. 

Dr Treece will let the Director of Undergraduate Education know that these discussions have taken place and whether or not he supports the transfer.

2. b (For transfers to the Manufacturing Engineering Tripos only) Support from the MET Course Team

Students who wish to transfer to Part IIA of the Manufacturing Engineering Tripos (MET) should contact the MET course team during Lent Term who will advise on the MET application process. NB. Incomers to MET should be prepared to be in residence on the Monday before the first day of full Michaelmas Term, to attend the relevant induction events.

3. Guidance from the Industrial Placements Coordinator

Students must seek advice from the Industrial Placements Coordinator before applying to transfer. The Coordinator will advise whether any vocational experience which they have undertaken to date can be counted towards the industrial or equivalent experience requirement.

4. Support from the Director of Undergraduate Education (DUE)

Once students have secured College support for their plans they should contact the DUE, Prof Seb Savory.  Applicants will be invited to an informal meeting with the DUE by 1 June to discuss their applications and any questions that they may have.

The DUE will check that the applicants are adequately prepared for the transfer and liaise with their DoS if necessary.

5. Application form (download from the bottom of the page)

  • Students should complete Section A of the transfer application form and forward it, together with a short CV, to their Engineering DoS by 29 April at the latest;
  • The Engineering DoS should complete Section B and return the form and CV to the Department before 13 May.

6. Faculty Board approval

The Faculty Board requires transfers to be endorsed by the DUE before considering them and will expect to receive the following documentation:

  • Completed application form
  • CV of student.

Applicants will be notified of the outcome of the Faculty Board’s decision by email.  NB. Faculty Board approval will be contingent on later confirmation that the applicant has reached the required standard in the IB examinations.

October registration

Incomers to Engineering must be in residence early enough to register at the same time as the first year students, ie during the first day of Full Michaelmas term. See the briefing notes for incoming students for further details. 

Download: transfer-application-form.docx

Last updated on 29/10/2020 12:47